Welcome to the Nashville Seibukan Karate School
located at the Franklin Family YMCA
Health is the goal of Seibukan Karate-Do.
HEALTH is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being; freedom from illness and injury
KARATE-DO is a way of life, training the body, mind, and spirit to defend against physical, mental, and spiritual illness or injury.
Supreme Instructor, Judan
10th Degree Black Belt
"The Okinawan senior masters originally created karate as a martial art of self defense, and it had the purpose of character building by nurturing a strong spirit and building a powerful body through strict training."
Quote from "Shorin-Ryu Seibukan: Kyan's Karate"
Book by Zenpo Shimabukuro and Dan Smith

Authentic Okinawan Karate
Shorin-Ryu Seibukan is an Okinawan karate style tracing back to the fighting methods of Chotoku Kyan, who studied under a number of martial arts masters during the early 1900s. Kyan developed a dynamic fighting style focused on speed and agility, not size and strength.

Zenyro Shimabukuro was a student of Chotoku Kyan for 10 years. In 1962, Zenryo opened his own Shorin-Ryu karate dojo, called Seibukan. Sei-Bu-Kan means "Holy-Art-School." Zenryo's son, Hanshi Zenpo Shimabukuro, inherited leadership of the dojo after his father's passing in 1969, and has since spread Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do worldwide.
Modern karate training promotes peace and teaches self-defense, not how to fight.
- Fights are unpredictable and random
- Avoid them completely or stop them before they start
- If in danger of engaging into a fight
- escape and evade the situation
It is important to understand the purpose of your karate and know the methods of training.
Seibukan Karate-Do has a purpose to protect. Zenyro Shimabukuro stated:
- "To protect your family
- To protect yourself from an attack and injury, so you could work to care for your family
- To maintain your health and ability to work to take care of your family"
Seibukan Karate-Do Principles
- Hitotsu Jinkaku Knasei Ni Tsutomuro Koto
To strive for the perfection of character
- Hitotsu Makoto No Michi O Mamoru Koto
To defend the paths of truth
- Hitotsu Dorokyu No Seishin O Yashinau Koto
To foster the spirit of effort
- Hitotsu Reigi O Omonguru Koto
To honor the principles of etiquette
- Hitotsu Kekki Mo Yu Imashimuru Koto
To guard against impetuous courage

Nashville Seibukan is a chartered dojo of the International Okinawan Shorin Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do Association (IOSSKA). Nashville Seibukan is dedicated to teaching and preserving Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Karate-Do to contribute to Kyan's karate lineage, and the IOSSKA under the leadership of the Shimabukuro family.
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