Here you can access member resources to help guide your training.

Junior Karateka (ages <16) will be awarded belt stripes to track their monthly progress.
KIDS (ages <8)
1. Kihon Renshu: perform basic techniques with proper form.
2. Etiqutte: count out the techniques; do not talk out of turn; do not play with your mat.
3. Focus: perform techniques each count; kiai on #10.
4. Effort: try your hardest to learn and improve each class.
5. Kata: perform the kata with proper technique.
6. Test Ready: karateka has developed necessary skills for promotion.
YOUTH (ages 8+)
1. Kihon Renshu: perform basic techniques with proper form.
2. Zenshin Kotai: perform mobile techniques with form and speed.
3. Ippon Kumite: perform partner drills with speed and power.
4. Effort: try your hardest to learn and improve each class.
5. Kata: perform the kata with proper technique.
6. Test Ready: karateka has developed necessary skills for promotion.
Karateka ages 8+ will follow the promotion requirements below.

Karateka can also track their training progress using the Training Tracker found in the Karateka Handbook.