Karateka Training Handbook
Dojo Kun
Seibukan History
Parent's Guide
Dojo Rules and Links
Kihon Renshu
Zenshin Kotai
Ippon Kumite
Promotion Requirements
Training Tracker

Shorin-Ryu Seibukan Book
Available options:
Sprial Bound - $70
Kindle - $30
"...We have included: the detailed basic training methods; all of the Kyan kata; the history of Shorin Ryu; and the history of the Kyan and Shimabukuro families. Our attempt is to assist all of the members of Shorin Ryu Seibukan and others interested in learning more about Okinawan Shorin Ryu. The information included is based on Chotoku Kyan’s teaching premise that it is necessary to first learn the forms and movements of karate; then practice the basic applications of blocking, striking, kicking, seizing and moving; and last, learn the kata to understand the true fighting methods of Okinawan karate."